Cattle for Sale

Give us a call if you have questions about available cattle or come visit the ranch and see them for yourself!

Full-Blood Akaushi Bred & Open Heifers 

Herd Mates to Merida L320 sired by Rueshamaru, Come & Take It, Hastings, Hiromitsu, Red Emperor & C0334N

Full-Blood Akaushi Bulls

Coming 2-year-old, Yearling, and Weaned Bull Calves Available

Sired by:   Rueshamaru, Come & Take It, C0334N, 9254E & 2451Z

We welcome your visit to select your next herd sire!

Half-Blood Akaushi Heifers

100 head of Fall 2023 Yearling Heifers

These are out of Red & Black Angus cows.